Chapitre1. Introduction générale - Chapter 1. General introduction
English text below
Cette introduction reprend les principes que nous adoptons dans le traitement statistique des tableaux de relevés de végétation et justifie les étapes nécessaires pour arriver à une exploitation optimale des données. Elle explique aussi comment utiliser ce site.
- Pour le texte complet :
Ch1 1 (213.34 Ko)
This introduction follows the principles that we adopt in the statistical processing of the vegetation relevé tables and justifies the steps necessary to arrive at an optimal exploitation of the data. It also explains how to use this site.
For the full text : Ch1a (224.26 Ko)
Date de dernière mise à jour : 10/04/2024
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- 2. DJENONTIN André Jonas Le 16/02/2019
I'am Associate Professor at the Université de Parakou in Benin Republic. Teacher at the Faculté d'Agronomie, i have in charge the phytosociology cours for the postgraduate students. I have also in charge the course of "rangelands and grassland management in pastoral environment. Phytosociological releves in matrix analysis is accurate on ours studies of forest and savanna vegetations and the need of conceptual approaches for the best comprehension of vegetation physionomies and its dynamique is very important. For my experience, i have your precedents documents. This new book will be more interssent for me an my student. I need your permission to use it at support document fo my course.
Thanks and Best regards
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